It all began with drawing: putting crayon, pencil, pen to paper. The urge to capture a sense of representation, spirit and feeling. To connect to myself and the world around me. To let my imagination run free.

My first job was as an editorial artist at the New Zealand Herald fresh out of high school, largely secured on the back of a series of illustrations and caricatures completed for high school magazines. It was here that I honed my craft – and marvelled at the possibilities of simple line work and traditional pen and ink illustration.

Capturing moments from life, with charcoal, pen or ink remains a passion. I have ventured into the world of Children's Book illustration, with the New Zealand publication of 'Jimothy,' written by childhood friend Yvonne Milroy. I am currently working on illustrations for 'The Witches Olympics' by Sam Vinson, a rousing tale first performed as a Children's Play at Glastonbury.

There are other projects on the drawing board.
New commissions are welcome.

For further information, please email me at