December 3, 2019Comments are off for this post.

‘I don’t know how to sell myself’

A while ago I announced an offer for members of the Animas community to support them in creating a professional brand and/or website.

Since then, I’ve been speaking with people to understand the challenges they face when looking to create their coaching brand and/or a website. ’I don’t know how to sell myself’ was just one of the responses I heard, repeatedly.

Some others were:

‘I don’t know my niche.’
‘I’m not ready to build a website yet.’

It became obvious that there was more to this than ‘creating a brand’ or ‘building a website.’

Its pretty clear that this was primarily about finding your voice, and what you have to offer as a coach. This is an important conversation to have - perhaps even before you know the answers to any of these questions, or feel ‘ready’ to do anything about your brand, website etc. It has also helped to clarify what I have to offer.

I’m here to help you identify and develop your story,
and build a brand, around ‘you.’

A brand that gives you confidence to present yourself as a coach – one which will connect you with people you’d like to work with, and who would like to work with you.

Simple really, isn’t it?

Well yes - but this is not so easy to do.

Which is why you might want to work with me.

I am well versed in the world of branding, design and website creation. And, as an Animas accredited coach, I can speak in simple (pure) language; help to capture your voice; connect you with your audience; and support you in gaining confidence and assurance to present yourself to the world. In essence, I'm offering my services as your personal Branding Coach.

I have put together a package designed to support you in this process: the ‘Brand Story’ package. This incorporates:

– clarifying who you are as a coach, and what you offer
– identifying your clients
– finalising your Brand Story

We will follow a step-by-step process, with two Zoom video sessions alongside periods of independent work/homework. I will provide review and feedback on your work-in-progress between our sessions.

At the end of this process, you will have a clear Brand Story that will give you material that can be used to describe what you do in person, while also inspire the copy you use in website and external communication.

Most importantly, having a clear Brand Story will give you the confidence to speak about yourself as a coach and what you offer to your clients, and help establish your coaching business.

Are you interested in a FREE Brand Evaluation call?
Click the link below to set up a time:

I look forward to hearing from you!

Pass it on!

You may not be in need of my support. But If you know any Animas coaches/trainees that do, please pass this on.

May 30, 2013Comments are off for this post.

The Witches Olympics

It's 'inking time' for 'The Witches Olympics;' a delightful tale conceived by Sam Vinson, and performed as a children's play at Glastonbury, now set for completion as an illustrated Children's Book. Shown here are pen and ink sketches from one spread which introduce Gingella Gallis, the object of ridicule of the other witches in the competition.

May 15, 2013Comments are off for this post.

MACD workshop

Last week I (together with Hilary Chittenden) supported Fred Deakin @freddeakin on a full day workshop at Central Saint Martins, for MA students approaching their final year project. The workshop was designed to inspire and encourage students to further define and refine their MA project, and incorporated practical tips, tools and reference points. Fred did a great job, and it was a welcome engagement for me with design teaching and mentoring.  I was struck by the unmistakeable drive the students had to use their design skills and knowledge to broach important issues, and to "make a difference."

April 17, 2013Comments are off for this post.

Julia Burness website

I"m delighted to announce the launch of the website I designed for Julia Burness Jewellery, which was online casino built by Andy Cooke. Congratulations to Julia, who has just been shortlisted as a finalist for the New Designer of the year in the 2013 UK Jewellery Awards. Check out the site here.

January 31, 2013Comments are off for this post.

Jimothy goes Royal

Here's a bit of a magical PR story. A while back, Yvonne Milroy the author of our co-produced Children's Book Jimothy, received a letter in the post intended for Charles and Camilla. Bizarrely, Yvonne's Hamilton postcode was identical to C&C's UK one - hence the slight misdirection. Seizing on the opportunity, Yvonne bundled up the unopened letter with a copy of Jimothy, and an accompanying letter offering the book as a gift, possibly to be read to Will and Kate's new arrival, when he/she comes. And just yesterday, here's what Yvonne received in the post: An acknowledgment letter from Camilla, with confirmation that Jimothy is quite likely to be included on the granchildren's reading list.

December 11, 2012Comments are off for this post.

Being in Business

I'm back at my desk, fresh from an enlightening weekend workshop at the Concord Institute facilitated by David Norris under the title 'Being in Business.' This was an exploration of who I am 'Being' in Business, uncovering the underlying drivers and motivations which shape our experience of being in business. The workshop incorporated a set of tools and processes including interactive dialogue, core process work and social dreaming, all designed to generate a space of connection within which we could explore the following intention:

'to transform your experience of work from being based on strength of will to being based on energetic resonance so that rather than pursuing a future, you're able to let one find you.'

In the process, I discovered the business I am in, or the Being I am in business, is occupied not so much with design consultancy or artwork, but rather 'approval-seeking.' Through a difficult-to-describe yet artfully navigated process, David led us through our individual and collective experiences of Being at work, and ultimately moved towards identifying (beyond our fears, anxieties, fantasies and limitations) the fundamental promise that we are, in the world.

In this context, the work we do is simply a channel for 'who we are,' and an expression of that promise. What emerged for me, and the promise that I am, is to 'share joy and wonder with others.' This makes a lot of sense to me, and certainly touches my heart. It is the thread that runs through all the work I do as a designer, artist, vision navigator and wholefood cook and teacher. Suddenly the frequent dilemma of what I should be focussing on disappears, and I am simply encouraged to connect with this promise, and acknowledge all of my work as an expression of this.

December 10, 2012Comments are off for this post.

Cay Tre Menus on press

A press check at Oldacres of the snazzy new drink menu folders, currently in production and due for launch at Cay Tre Soho prior to Christmas.

December 10, 2012Comments are off for this post.

The Witches Olympics

The next project on my drawing board: "The Witches Olympics," a delightful tale conceived by Sam Vinson, and performed as a children"s play at Glastonbury. I began work on this many moons ago, creating visuals of Australia casino the characters which include the narrator "Mackintosh Mackintosh" and an assortment of Witches hailing from around the globe. Now is the time to bring it to completion!

November 6, 2012Comments are off for this post.

Toi Maori on the map


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October 30, 2012Comments are off for this post.

Tihei Mauri Ora/We Are Alive

Limited Edition Screenprint Tihei Mauri Ora/We Are Alive, 2012, on display at The Modern Pantry.

October 19, 2012Comments are off for this post.

Ko te Korero te Kai a te Rangatira

The poster for spielautomaten online slot machines my upcoming exhibition at The Modern Pantry.



Delete (London)
Albion (London)
Digit (London)
Mind Design (London)
R.O.S.A (Zurich)
V&A Museum


Archer Humphryes Architects
European Design Centre

Le Pain Quotidien
Vietnamese Kitchen

Delete (London)
Albion (London)
Digit (London)
Mind Design (London)
R.O.S.A (Zurich)
V&A Museum


Archer Humphryes Architects
European Design Centre

Le Pain Quotidien
Vietnamese Kitchen



Identity Design
Web Design
UI/UX Design
3D Design
Print & Editorial



Identity Design
Web Design
UI/UX Design
3D Design
Print & Editorial



BAFTA 2002
Winner interface design
D&AD 2002
Silver nomination,
interactive & digital media
BIMA 2002
Winner design & creativity
Winner Grand Prix
Distinctive merit
CLIO 2002
Gold, Internet advertising/brand building
Bronze, Internet advertising/
consumer-targeted site

BAFTA 2002
Winner interface design
D&AD 2002
Silver nomination,
interactive & digital media
BIMA 2002
Winner design & creativity
Winner Grand Prix
Distinctive merit
CLIO 2002
Gold, Internet advertising/brand building
Bronze, Internet advertising/
consumer-targeted site